
class pyfamsa.Aligner

A single FAMSA aligner.

__init__(*, threads=0, guide_tree='sl', tree_heuristic=None, medoid_threshold=0, n_refinements=100, keep_duplicates=False, refine=None)

Create a new aligner with the given configuration.

Keyword Arguments:
  • threads (int) – The number of threads to use for parallel computations. If 0 given (the default), use os.cpu_count to spawn one thread per CPU on the host machine.

  • guide_tree (str) – The method for building the guide tree. Supported values are: sl for MST+Prim single linkage, slink for SLINK single linkage, upgma for UPGMA, nj for neighbour joining.

  • tree_heuristic (str or None) – The heuristic to use for constructing the tree. Supported values are: medoid for medoid trees, part for part trees, or None to disable heuristics.

  • medoid_threshold (int) – The minimum number of sequences a set must contain for medoid trees to be used, if enabled with tree_heuristic.

  • n_refinements (int) – The number of refinement iterations to run.

  • keep_duplicates (bool) – Set to True to avoid discarding duplicate sequences before building trees or alignments.

  • refine (bool or None) – Set to True to force refinement, False to disable refinement, or leave as None to disable refinement automatically for sets of more than 1000 sequences.

align(self, sequences)

Align sequences together.


sequences (iterable of Sequence) – An iterable yielding the digitized sequences to align.


Alignment – The aligned sequences, in aligned format.

build_tree(self, sequences)

Build a tree from the given sequences.


sequences (iterable of Sequence) – An iterable yielding the digitized sequences to build a tree from.


GuideTree – The guide tree obtained from the sequences.